KAIROS (El.Seth) Mac OS

KAIROS (El.Seth) Mac OS

June 02 2021

KAIROS (El.Seth) Mac OS

GarageBand is a fully equipped music creation studio right inside your Mac — with a complete sound library that includes instruments, presets for guitar and voice, and an incredible selection of session drummers and percussionists. With Touch Bar features for MacBook Pro and an intuitive, modern design, it’s easy to learn, play, record.

Starting release of the ka_bst software (customization 008), KAIROS has special module named KAIROS-HAM which is targeted to make support of communications with BrandMeister DMR Server via special brand new External DMR Access Subsystem. This subsystem can be managed since the release 0.9.167 of the KAIROS_Manager Remote Control Tool.

Kairos Nature LLC May 2016 - Present 4. Managed user permissions and groups on Windows 2003 and Mac OS X servers. Installed, configured, and troubleshot enterprise management solutions. Movavi Video 99 Mac OS El Capitan key code generator: Movavi-media-octopus 1.1.5 Mac OS 10.10 serial code maker: Movavi-video-converter 9.2.2 Mac OS 10.10 keygen: Movavi Splitmovie 1.4 OS X El Capitan key code generator: Movavi Slideshow Creator 1.1.6 Mac OS X serial keys gen: Movavi Videosuite 5.7 Mac OS El Capitan activator. Kairo is an atmospheric 3D exploration and puzzle solving game. Developed by Richard Perrin the creator of the white chamber with music by Wounds (Bartosz Szturgiewicz). Runs on all Intel-based 64-bit Mac OS-X 10.6 and higher (Does not run on old 32-bit nor PPC Macs as Apple has dropped compiler support for PPC. If you need a version to run on an old 32-bit Intel Mac or on OS-X 10.5, visit the SourceForge site linked below and download Version 2.0.0 instead).

  • 1RadioActivity KAIROS
  • 2CronosAgent
    • 2.2Configuration
  • 3Repeater Configuration
  • 4Issues with connectivity

RadioActivity KAIROS

Important Note

  • KAIROS_Manager before v1.6.7 can’t access a KAIROS-HAM, while since this version you can access both a KAIROS and a KAIROS-HAM
  • for KAIROS-HAM, the model type of KAIROS can be KA-160 or KA-450 only, no other models are admitted; if you upload this ka_bst software on another model, the KAIROS will look dead
  • the ka_bst software, at start, automatically checks all the channels of the Channels Table for the frequency values in the correct range (now the admitted ranges are 144÷148 and 420÷450 MHz); the channels with frequencies out of range will be disabled, and if no channels are enabled after that check, it creates a new channel with predefined values; similarly, the frequency value of the Calibration Parameters will be checked and eventually adjusted


Due some specific of original KAIROS protocols we made special tool named CronosAgent to provide functionality of link establishment, authentication and NAT-traversal. CronosAgent should be deployed on equipment near repeater. Specially for SysOps we prepared several packages to run CronosAgent on large count of hardware such as x86 servers, single-board computers like Raspberry Pi and BeagleBoard or routers based on open platform like OpenWRT.


CronosAgent version 20160806/20160812

  • CronosAgent for Mac OS X - http://www.dstar.su/files/KAIROS/CronosAgent/CronosAgent-macOS.zip
  • CronosAgent for Debian Linux 8.x x64 - http://www.dstar.su/files/KAIROS/CronosAgent/cronosagent_20160806_amd64.deb
  • CronosAgent for Debian Linux 8.x ARM (HF/ARMv7) - http://www.dstar.su/files/KAIROS/CronosAgent/cronosagent_20160806_armhf.deb
  • CronosAgent for OpenWRT AR71xx/72xx - http://www.dstar.su/files/KAIROS/CronosAgent/cronosagent_20160812_ar71xx.ipk

If you have hardware which is not listed here please contact us. We can build the package for any OpenWRT target.
Packets for Raspberry Pi and Debian on ARM will be provided later.

Source code of CronosAgent




Repeater Configuration



Issues with connectivity

Console or syslog messages of CronosAgent

  • 'Disconnect request received' after 'Authenticating with agent'. Probably you entered wrong access password.
  • 'Connection time-out expired'. Mostly this status means that CronosAgent does not receive packets from the server. Please check condition of field 'Interpretation' on status page of BrandMeister.
  • 'Repeater has disabled features DMR or/and HAM'. Please check firmware version, customization type (should be 008) and presense of feature 'Amateur Radio' at KAIROS_Manager. Mostly you have wrong configuration of active channel (DMR service disabled).

Field 'Interpretation' on status page of BrandMeister

  • Authenticating - BrandMeister requested authentication of CronosAgent. Mostly this status means that CronosAgent does not receive packets from the server. Please check you router or firewall for opened port.
  • Gathering - BrandMeister requested configuration of your KAIROS repeater. Mostly this status means that CronosAgent does not receive packets from the repeater. Please check IP address and configured ports of repeater.
  • Registering - BrandMeister requested registration of External DMR Server access on your KAIROS repeater. Mostly this status means that CronosAgent does not receive response message from the repeater. Please check firmware version, customization type (should be 008) and presense of feature 'Amateur Radio' at KAIROS_Manager.
  • Operational - whole system works fine.

Firmware, update procedure

Please read this text carefuly to avoid having a brick!

Latest firmware is available here: http://www.radioactivity-tlc.it/support/download/KAIROS-HAM_2017-02-08.zip
Note: following firmware still rank of beta! After upgrading repeater to this firmware you will not be able to configure the repeater to work on commercial frequencies!

In Ancient Greek, the word kairos (pronounced 'KAI-ros') means 'time' – but not just any time. It's about timeliness: the special moment when it's the opportune time to say or do a particular thing.

In this post, we'll explain how you can recognise when it's the appointed time to say something. And how to know when a statement's perfect for a particular situation.

Understanding kairos

The concept of kairos is pretty complex. It's not a simple device or technique, like ethos, pathos or logos. Instead, kairos depends on context.

Calling something 'kairotic' is also subjective, like beauty. So what may be the 'right moment' for one person could be totally wrong for someone else.

In stories, people employ kairos to create a decisive moment – trying to capture in words what will be immediately applicable, appropriate, and engaging for a particular audience.

Kairos is timeliness, appropriateness, decorum, symmetry, balance – being aware of the rhetorical situation. It's about crafting serendipity, like when the sun comes out at the end of a romantic comedy after all the conflicts are resolved. It's delicate, like a flower. Naw.

Kairos vs. chronos

Kairos and chronos are both Ancient Greek words that literally mean 'time.' But kairos doesn't mean time in the same way that we use it in contemporary English.

  • Kairos represents a kind of 'qualitative' time, as in 'the right time'. It means taking advantage of or even creating a perfect moment to deliver a particular message.

  • Chronos represents a kind of 'quantitative' time, as in, “What time is it?” or “Will we have enough time?”

'Kairos is a passing instant when an opening appears which must be driven through with force if success is to be achieved.' – E. C. White, Kaironomia

Kairos in classical rhetoric

Waaay back in olden times, specifically Ancient Greece, both of the two main schools of thought used kairos in the field of rhetoric.

The Sophists

In the red corner, you have the Sophists. They thought it was crucial for rhetors (people who teach rhetoric) to adapt to, and take advantage of, changing circumstances.

Sophism approached rhetoric as an art form, and members of the school would travel around Greece teaching citizens about the art of rhetoric and successful discourse.

John Poulakos defines rhetoric from a Sophistic perspective like this:

KAIROS (El.Seth) Mac OS

'Rhetoric is the art which seeks to capture in opportune moments that which is appropriate and attempts to suggest that which is possible'

Aristotle, Plato, and co.

In the blue corner, you have the opposition, led by people like Aristotle and Plato. They saw Sophistic rhetoric as a tool used to manipulate others and criticized those who taught it.

While Aristotle and his pals didn't dig the Sophistic approach, they did discuss the importance of kairos in their teachings. Aristotle believed that each rhetorical situation was different, so you needed to apply different rhetorical devices at different times.

One of the most well-known parts of Aristotle's Rhetoric is when he discusses the roles of pathos, ethos, and logos. Aristotle ties kairos to these concepts, claiming that there are times in each rhetorical situation when you need to use one device over another.

Kairos today

Kairos has been hot topic in various disciplines for a long time. But the importance of kairos in writing and new media has been a big source of debate over the last few decades.

Nowadays, in modern rhetoric, the definition of kairos is making exactly the right statement at exactly the right moment.

Smart cookie James Kinneavy is largely credited with reintroducing the importance of kairos into the discipline of Rhetoric and Composition – and, therefore, composition studies.

Kinneavy says kairos is:

Kairos (el.seth) Mac Os Download

“The appropriateness of the discourse to the particular circumstances of the time, place, speaker, and audience involved'

Other scholars – Sheridan, Michel, and Ridolfo – say that:

“Kairos refers to a struggle, at the point of rhetorical intervention, between situational factors”

Taken together, the two definitions highlight just how tricky it is to define kairos. It's dynamic, not static. It's constantly shifting. And that's why it's so dang hard to get kairos right.

Why kairos matters

If you're trying to deliver a message to an audience, you need to think deeply about those people. What do they think about this issue? How are they likely to respond to your message?

The concept of kairos is vital when crafting your message. Your audience is made of real people who live in a certain place and time. That place and time affects the way they receive your message, so it's important to dwell on it and get it right.

How to use kairos

There are no hard and fast rules for using kairos in your narrative. You need to consider your audience, the current moment that you're living in, and what message your audience needs at that exact time.

Here are some helpful pointers for delivering the right message at the right moment:

  1. Create an important moment in your story
  2. Consider how your audience will feel about this moment
  3. Understand the times you’re living in and how this affects the moment
  4. Create a meaningful message about that particular moment

Examples of kairos onscreen


Released in 2013, the movie Her came at exactly the right moment. It deals with themes like isolation, artificial intelligence, and the artificiality of life in a digital world. At the same time, smartphones were taking over the world, and people were starting to use artificial intelligence, like Siri.

Her asks how this technology might affect our minds and societies, at a time when people were becoming more aware of the higher rates of depression and loneliness in our society. Its timeliness no doubt helped the film to resonate with so many people – and clinch a few awards, too.


Arriving at the same time as a huge social movement was sweeping the USA, Selma is extremely kairotic. It tells the story of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights movement, tieing into modern conversations about protest and racial injustice at the exact right moment.

Kairos is a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action – which sums up Martin Luther King's work, and the release of Selma, perfectly.


The start of 2020 was a time of isolation and division thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic – as well as police brutality and racial injustice in the USA leading to more Black Lives Matter protests.

Which meant that Nike was up against severe time constraints if it wanted its 'You Can't Stop Us' campaign to land at the opportune moment. Thankfully, it released this technically mind-blowing ad – with themes of unity, resilience, and triumph over the odds – at the opportune moment.

Pizza Hut

With this advert, Pizza Hut cooked up a kairotic moment to create a sense of urgency. While its pizza is available all the time, this particular flavour was only available for two weeks – meaning that viewers had to act now (!!!) or miss out.

Kairos (el.seth) Mac Os Catalina

Like its pizza, the message is a little cheesy. But there's a reason why these types of ads appear so often – they work. And it's all thanks to kairos.

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KAIROS (El.Seth) Mac OS

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