Native Animals: The Red Squirrel Mac OS

Native Animals: The Red Squirrel Mac OS

May 31 2021

Native Animals: The Red Squirrel Mac OS

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electron-builder configuration can be defined

  • in the package.json file of your project using the build key on the top level:
  • or through the --config <path/to/yml-or-json5-or-toml-or-js> option. Defaults to electron-builder.yml.

    json, json5, toml or js (exported configuration or function that produces configuration) formats also supported.


    If you want to use toml, please install yarn add toml --dev.

Most of the options accept null — for example, to explicitly set that DMG icon must be default volume icon from the OS and default rules must be not applied (i.e. use application icon as DMG icon), set dmg.icon to null.

Artifact File Name Template¶

Get more done with the new Google Chrome. A more simple, secure, and faster web browser than ever, with Google’s smarts built-in.

${ext} macro is supported in addition to file macros.

Environment Variables from File¶

Env file electron-builder.env in the current dir (example). Supported only for CLI usage.

How to Read Docs¶

  • Name of optional property is normal, required is bold.
  • Type is specified after property name: Array<String> String. Union like this means that you can specify or string (**/*), or array of strings (['**/*', '!foo.js']).


  • appId = com.electron.${name} String - The application id. Used as CFBundleIdentifier for MacOS and as Application User Model ID for Windows (NSIS target only, Squirrel.Windows not supported). It is strongly recommended that an explicit ID is set.
  • productName String - Similar to the name property, but allows you to specify a product name for your executable which contains spaces and other special characters not allowed in the name property. If this value does not contain illegal characters (parenthesis, square brackets, dashes, etc.), it will be used as the install directory (unless overridden by the user with allowToChangeInstallationDirectory). If it contains illegal characters, the install directory name will default back to the name property.
  • copyright = Copyright © year ${author} String - The human-readable copyright line for the app.
  • directories

    • buildResources = build String - The path to build resources.

      Please note — build resources is not packed into the app. If you need to use some files, e.g. as tray icon, please include required files explicitly: 'files': ['**/*', 'build/icon.*']

    • output = dist String - The output directory. File macros are supported.

    • app String - The application directory (containing the application package.json), defaults to app, www or working directory.
  • macMacConfiguration - Options related to how build macOS targets.
  • masMasConfiguration - MAS (Mac Application Store) options.
  • dmgDmgOptions - macOS DMG options.
  • pkgPkgOptions - macOS PKG options.
  • winWindowsConfiguration - Options related to how build Windows targets.
  • nsisNsisOptions
  • nsisWeb - Web Installer options. Inherits NsisOptions options.

    • appPackageUrl String - The application package download URL. Optional — by default computed using publish configuration.

      URL like allows web installer to be version independent (installer will download latest application package). Please note — it is full URL.

      Custom X-Arch http header is set to 32 or 64.

    • artifactName String - The artifact file name template. Defaults to ${productName} Web Setup ${version}.${ext}.

    • portable - Portable options.
    • requestExecutionLevel = user “user” “highest” “admin” - The requested execution level for Windows.
    • unpackDirName String - The unpack directory name in TEMP directory.

      Defaults to uuid of build (changed on each build of portable executable).

  • appxAppXOptions

  • squirrelWindowsSquirrelWindowsOptions
  • linuxLinuxConfiguration - Options related to how build Linux targets.
  • debDebOptions - Debian package options.
  • snapSnapOptions - Snap options.
  • appImageAppImageOptions - AppImage options.
  • pacmanLinuxTargetSpecificOptions
  • rpmLinuxTargetSpecificOptions
  • freebsdLinuxTargetSpecificOptions
  • p5pLinuxTargetSpecificOptions
  • apkLinuxTargetSpecificOptions
  • buildDependenciesFromSource = false Boolean - Whether to build the application native dependencies from source.
  • nodeGypRebuild = false Boolean - Whether to execute node-gyp rebuild before starting to package the app.

    Don’t usenpm (neither .npmrc) for configuring electron headers. Use electron-builder node-gyp-rebuild instead.

  • npmArgs Array<String> String - Additional command line arguments to use when installing app native deps.

  • npmRebuild = true Boolean - Whether to rebuild native dependencies before starting to package the app.
  • buildVersion String - The build version. Maps to the CFBundleVersion on macOS, and FileVersion metadata property on Windows. Defaults to the version. If TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER or APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER or CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM or BUILD_NUMBER or bamboo.buildNumber or CI_PIPELINE_IID env defined, it will be used as a build version (version.build_number).
  • electronCompile Boolean - Whether to use electron-compile to compile app. Defaults to true if electron-compile in the dependencies. And false if in the devDependencies or doesn’t specified.
  • electronDist String - The path to custom Electron build (e.g. ~/electron/out/R).
  • electronDownload - The electron-download options.
    • version String
    • cache String - The cache location.
    • mirror String - The mirror.
    • strictSSL Boolean
    • isVerifyChecksum Boolean
    • platform “darwin” “linux” “win32” “mas”
    • arch String
  • electronVersion String - The version of electron you are packaging for. Defaults to version of electron, electron-prebuilt or electron-prebuilt-compile dependency.
  • extends String - The name of a built-in configuration preset or path to config file (relative to project dir). Currently, only react-cra is supported.

    If react-scripts in the app dependencies, react-cra will be set automatically. Set to null to disable automatic detection.

  • extraMetadata any - Inject properties to package.json.

  • readonly = false Boolean - Whether to fail if the application is not signed (to prevent unsigned app if code signing configuration is not correct).
  • nodeVersion String - libui-based frameworks only The version of NodeJS you are packaging for. You can set it to current to set the Node.js version that you use to run.
  • launchUiVersion Boolean String - libui-based frameworks only The version of LaunchUI you are packaging for. Applicable for Windows only. Defaults to version suitable for used framework version.
  • framework String - The framework name. One of electron, proton-native, libui. Defaults to electron.
  • afterPack - The function (or path to file or module id) to be run after pack (but before pack into distributable format and sign).
  • afterSign - The function (or path to file or module id) to be run after pack and sign (but before pack into distributable format).
  • artifactBuildStarted module:app-builder-lib/out/configuration.__type String - The function (or path to file or module id) to be run on artifact build start.
  • artifactBuildCompleted module:app-builder-lib/out/configuration.__type String - The function (or path to file or module id) to be run on artifact build completed.
  • afterAllArtifactBuild - The function (or path to file or module id) to be run after all artifacts are build.
  • onNodeModuleFile - The function (or path to file or module id) to be run on each node module file.
  • beforeBuild (context: BeforeBuildContext) => Promise null - The function (or path to file or module id) to be run before dependencies are installed or rebuilt. Works when npmRebuild is set to true. Resolving to false will skip dependencies install or rebuild.

    If provided and node_modules are missing, it will not invoke production dependencies check.

  • remoteBuild = true Boolean - Whether to build using Electron Build Service if target not supported on current OS.
  • includePdb = false Boolean - Whether to include PDB files.
  • removePackageScripts = true Boolean - Whether to remove scripts field from package.json files.

Overridable per Platform Options¶

Following options can be set also per platform (top-level keys mac, linux and win) if need.

  • appId = com.electron.${name} String - The application id. Used as CFBundleIdentifier for MacOS and as Application User Model ID for Windows (NSIS target only, Squirrel.Windows not supported). It is strongly recommended that an explicit ID is set.
  • artifactName String - The artifact file name template. Defaults to ${productName}-${version}.${ext} (some target can have other defaults, see corresponding options).
  • compression = normal “store” “normal” “maximum” - The compression level. If you want to rapidly test build, store can reduce build time significantly. maximum doesn’t lead to noticeable size difference, but increase build time.
  • files The files configuration.
  • extraResources The extra resources configuration.
  • extraFiles The extra files configuration.
  • asar = true AsarOptions Boolean - Whether to package the application’s source code into an archive, using Electron’s archive format.

    Node modules, that must be unpacked, will be detected automatically, you don’t need to explicitly set asarUnpack - please file an issue if this doesn’t work.

    • smartUnpack = true Boolean - Whether to automatically unpack executables files.
    • ordering String
    • asarUnpack Array<String> String - A glob patterns relative to the app directory, which specifies which files to unpack when creating the asar archive.
  • fileAssociations Array<FileAssociation> FileAssociation - The file associations.

    • ext String Array<String> - The extension (minus the leading period). e.g. png.
    • name String - The name. e.g. PNG. Defaults to ext.
    • description String - windows-only. The description.
    • mimeType String - linux-only. The mime-type.
    • icon String - The path to icon (.icns for MacOS and .ico for Windows), relative to build (build resources directory). Defaults to ${firstExt}.icns/${firstExt}.ico (if several extensions specified, first is used) or to application icon.

      Not supported on Linux, file issue if need (default icon will be x-office-document).

    • role = Editor String - macOS-only The app’s role with respect to the type. The value can be Editor, Viewer, Shell, or None. Corresponds to CFBundleTypeRole.

    • isPackage Boolean - macOS-only Whether the document is distributed as a bundle. If set to true, the bundle directory is treated as a file. Corresponds to LSTypeIsPackage.
    • protocols Array<Protocol> Protocol - The URL protocol schemes.
    • name String - The name. e.g. IRC server URL.
    • schemes Array<String> - The schemes. e.g. ['irc', 'ircs'].
    • role = Editor “Editor” “Viewer” “Shell” “None” - macOS-only The app’s role with respect to the type.
  • forceCodeSigning Boolean - Whether to fail if app will be not code signed.
  • electronUpdaterCompatibility String - The electron-updater compatibility semver range.
  • publish The publish options.
  • detectUpdateChannel = true Boolean - Whether to infer update channel from application version pre-release components. e.g. if version 0.12.1-alpha.1, channel will be set to alpha. Otherwise to latest.
  • generateUpdatesFilesForAllChannels = false Boolean - Please see Building and Releasing using Channels.
  • releaseInfo - The release info. Intended for command line usage:

    -c.releaseInfo.releaseNotes='new features'

    • releaseName String - The release name.
    • releaseNotes String - The release notes.
    • releaseNotesFile String - The path to release notes file. Defaults to release-notes-${platform}.md (where platform it is current platform — mac, linux or windows) or in the build resources.
    • releaseDate String - The release date.
    • target String TargetConfiguration


Some standard fields should be defined in the package.json.

  • name String - The application name.
  • description String - The application description.
  • homepage String - The url to the project homepage (NuGet Package projectUrl (optional) or Linux Package URL (required)).

    If not specified and your project repository is public on GitHub, it will be${user}/${project} by default.

  • license String - linux-only. The license name.

  • author
    • name String
    • email String
  • repository String RepositoryInfo - The repository.
    • url String
  • buildConfiguration - The electron-builder configuration.

Proton Native¶

To package Proton Native app, set protonNodeVersion option to current or specific NodeJS version that you are packaging for.Currently, only macOS and Linux supported.

Build Version Management¶

CFBundleVersion (macOS) and FileVersion (Windows) will be set automatically to version.build_number on CI server (Travis, AppVeyor, CircleCI and Bamboo supported).


Node.js 8

All examples assumed that you use latest Node.js 8.11.x or higher.


The function (or path to file or module id) to be run after pack (but before pack into distributable format and sign).

As function

Because in a configuration file you cannot use JavaScript, can be specified as a path to file or module id. Function must be exported as default export.

File myAfterPackHook.js in the project root directory:



The function (or path to file or module id) to be run after pack and sign (but before pack into distributable format).

Configuration in the same way as afterPack (see above).


The function (or path to file or module id) to be run after all artifacts are built.

Configuration in the same way as afterPack (see above).



The function (or path to file or module id) to be run on each node module file.

Configuration in the same way as afterPack (see above).



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Native Animals: The Red Squirrel Mac Os 11


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Utah State University Extension

Native Animals: The Red Squirrel Mac Os Download

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Native to the eastern United States, fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) were first documented in Utah in 2011. It is unknown how fox squirrels made their way into Utah; however, it is possible they followed riparian corridors (areas along rivers, where trees often grow) through Colorado into Utah and were only detected once their populations grew in number. Since the Utah Natural Heritage Program began tracking them, there have been over 500 observations of this species, predominantly around Salt Lake City and the Wasatch Front. Fox squirrels are the largest tree squirrel in the U.S. (17–28 inches, and 17.5–37.5 ounces). This fact sheet reviews diet and habitat and control methods, as fox squirrels can cause damage to personal property.

Native Animals: The Red Squirrel Mac Os 11

Recommended Citation

Frey, S. Nicole and Tegt, Jessica, 'Identifying Fox Squirrels and Their Damage in Your Yard' (2020). All Current Publications. Paper 2126.

Included in

Other Animal Sciences Commons, Other Education Commons


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Native Animals: The Red Squirrel Mac OS

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