Starbase Gunship Mac OS

Starbase Gunship Mac OS

May 29 2021

Starbase Gunship Mac OS

  • 3Civilian spaceships
  • 4Empire spaceships
  • 5Kingdom spaceships

Spaceship design and assembly guides

For designing and building/assembling spaceships, check out these guides:

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Community spaceships

See the Community Ships page for a gallery of community created ships.

For a list of all player ship shops and the available ships in them, check the Ship Shops page.

See Ship modifications page for tips and tricks for modifying spaceships (including community ones).

Civilian spaceships



The Hedron is a small and nimble civilian craft. It comes with automatic landing helpers which makes the ship suitable for use by inexperienced pilots or simply for those who prefer to own one for luxury purposes.
One of the things that makes the Hedron so special is it's advanced station targeting system which allows the craft to move to stations without pilot control.
A Hedron has a low flight time, so storing some spare fuel in the ship is generally considered good practice with the craft.
Given its limitations, these ships are not suitable for warfare or battles. Its primary design is to serve as ships for the civilian populace and for news reporters eager to grab a story.


The Ithaca is a class of medium-tonnage civilian transport ships, with ample space on-board for user modification. Though unarmed and relatively unarmored, the Ithaca-class are capable of withstanding an appreciable amount of damage thanks to overlapping hull segments.


The Kodiak is an unarmed civilian spaceship that was built with Endoskeleton enjoyment in mind. Two of its seats are faced towards open windows, a luxury compared to those found on other ships.
The Kodiak can be modified and customized with extra features, just like most ships that are currently purchasable in the universe.


The Mason is a construction ship designed to haul heavy loads of different materials.
This ship is commonly used when an Endoskeleton cannot carry cargo by themselves. Instead, it relies on its cargo space carry cargo with ease.


The Nautilus is a traditional cargo ship originally build as a combat ship. It was later re-modeled into its current role as a hauler.
The Nautilus, like all other cargo ships, are equipped with cargo beams, enabling it to transport heavy objects.


The Ocelot is one of the first personnel transportation ships ever created in the galaxy.
Although having a long history, it is reliable in terms of flight time.

Starbase Gunship Mac Os 11


The Peon is a small ship used in multiple lines of work.
Peons are equipped with tractor beams, which can be used to transport asteroids and salvage.


The Pincer is an asteroid collector ship equipped with cargo lock beams and a tractor beam.
Using advanced YOLOL technologies, Pincers can enter power saving mode automatically, allowing for a pilot to focus on other more important tasks.


The Pioneer is an unarmed, versatile spaceship with autopiloting YOLOL configurations.
Pioneers are equipped with radio transmitters and a large set of programmed chips, making them appropriate ships for patrol duties.
Navigational technology were first tested on Pioneers.


The Remus is a cargo ship designed specifically for transportation and hauling of large objects such as station parts or asteroids.
The ship utilises cargo beams to transport cargo assigned to their pilots.
It is the brother ship of the cargo ship Romulus.


The Romulus is a cargo ship made specifically for transportation and hauling of large objects, such as station parts or asteroids.
Unlike its brother ship, Remus, the Romulus is loaded from the top side of the ship, allowing for easier loading and unloading of cargo.
It is equipped with cargo beams for transporting large objects and it is also generally considered to be easier to pilot than the Remus.


The Serf is a basic, minimalistic shuttle.
It's emphasis for role over looks makes it suitable for travelling short distances.

Twin Vasama

The Twin Vasama is a small ship that is powered by a battery. Unlike its original counterpart, it is equipped with two seats and can fit two robots in it.
Compared to the original Vasama, the Twin Vasama has a hover mode and generally better mobility.


Starbase Gunship Mac Os X


The Urchin is a hybrid between a cargo and mining ship.
It is equipped with powerful mining lasers, enabling it to mine minerals effciently.
The Urchin also has a cargo lock frame that can be used to transport cargo.


The Vasama is a very small spaceship that is powered only by batteries.

Vasamas are generally used to get around the massive Capital Mega Station as an alternative to walking.

Vasama Vanette

The Vasama Vanette is a small delivery and cargo ship equipped with a cargo hold.
It contains both a Flight control unit and a Main flight computer, unlike its original counterpart Vasama and its brother ship Twin Vasama.


The Vector is an economic spaceship optimized for long flight times.
The ship is a good choice as a first ship due to its relatively low cost and long flight range.


Wing is a former military ship that was modified to be a licensed civilian ship.
It can, however, be rearmed with weaponry to fight other ships.


The Zilant is a small and fast ship built for racing.

Empire spaceships


The Ballista is a general-purpose space superiority heavy fighter.
Ballistas are often used on long-range patrols, high-duration defense missions, and general space superiority/projection missions.


The Hoplon is an Empire Tournament fighter used in the BoltCrackers PvP Tournament.
It was designed by Quasar Systems under secret and deployed against Collective as a surprise release.
The Hoplon is one of few ships to use Empire's Closed Alpha coloration of Red and White.


Empire Lictors are heavyweight gunships, designed for upkeeping order.
Due to their slow speed, Lictors are usually paired with fighter escorts, consisting usually of Spathas.


The Empire Sagittarius is a long range force projection corvette.
It boasts and extremely durable design, being able to continue fighting even after losing more than half of the ship.


Spathas are nimble and effective fighters used by the Empire's forces.
Spathas are often used to escort larger gunships and frigates such as the Lictors and Centurio.


The Taurus is an Empire corvette used in the BoltCrackers Tournament and various training exercises.
It was designed by Quasar Systems, features a highly robust structure and excellently detailed interior work.


The Valkyrie is a general-purpose space superiority fighter.
Valkyries are often used on short range patrols and escort missions for larger ships, like the Lictor or Centurio.


The Veles is conceptualised as a Torpedo Corvette that can fill the roles of an anti-gunship and anti-frigate ship.

Kingdom spaceships


Knights are armed fighters, used by the Kingdom troops to support heavier gunships, such as the Lancer.
The Kingdom Knights can be equipped with different load-outs due to their modular building design, allowing for a variety of customization.


Lancers are Kingdom gunships, armed with heavy plasma cannons that can easily shred through big space ships and stations alike.

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What is NFS and why would I want it?

Network File Systemis a distributed file system protocol that allows you to share files across a network.You can share a folder or an entire drive, and a user on another machine will see a normal shared drive and be able to usethe files as if they were on the local drive.This can be useful if you have a NAS or some other remote server,or if you're running a VMthat doesn't have built-in file sharing.

Update - February 2017

I wrote this back in 2007 when Parallels on Mac didn't have a file sharing facility, and there was no Dropbox.The solution was to install NFS and set up a shared folder, which you could do with some free downloads and a bit of tweaking.Parallels and macOS have changed a lot since those days (for one thing, the Mac's firewall is nowoff by default),but I'm keeping this guide in case it's useful to somebody.

The NFS server runs in the background on the host Mac, publishing the list of available files and listening for requests fromthe client (Linux in this case, but could be anything). You can configure the number of processes you want to have running.When the client interacts with files, the server process will handle the read and write requests (similar to what a web server does when you click ona link).When you set up an NFS share, you specify what directory you want to make available and with what permissions - for example, you might make it read-only.I have an external Firewire drive and I want to make that available to any user account within the Linux VM. In the stepsbelow I'll therefore be referring to /Volumes/Firewire1, but you can substitute any other path such as /Users.

Another popular NFS configuration is to have your home directory automatically follow you, so for example if I log into Linux as 'william' and I have a corresponding accounton the Mac (with a matching ID rather than account name), I could have it mount my Mac home directory as /home/william.This should be possible here but I won't be using this approach. For one thing I couldn't get it to work, but also I realised it wasn't what I wanted anyway.The discussion I had with an extremely helpful poster on the Parallels forum is here.

Set up the NFS share

Download NFS Manager from's very low-cost shareware but you can use it free if you don't mind an occasional pop-up reminder.You could probably set things up without NFS Manager, but it makes things a heck of a lot simpler.

Using NFS Manager, add a new share, browsing for the directory you want to make available - in my case that's /Volumes/Firewire1.Use the option to allow only specified computers access(depending on your network connection it might not be possible for random hackers to mount your hard drive remotely, but it's best to be safe).Use the IP address you assigned to the Linux VM, in my example that is'll need to hit the 'Activate' button iback on the main screen to start the actual processes running.

Configure the Mac's firewall

In recent macOS releases, the firewall isoff by default),so unless you have explicitly enabled it, this section about opening ports is no longer relevant.

The NFS protocol uses ports 2049 and 111,2 2049 is for the NFS daemon itself, while 111 is used by 'portmapper', part of the remote procedure call mechanism. and the Mac's built-in firewall blocks these by default. Open 'System Preferences, Sharing', and go to the 'Firewall' tab.You will see a list of network services that you can click on to enable or disable access - however, NFS is not on the list.Hit 'New...' and select 'Other' from the dropdown list. In the TCP Port Number(s) field enter '2049,111'.Enter a description such as 'NFS', and click OK.

Set up the client side

Before making any changes to your Linux VM, take a backup (or in Parallels Desktop version 3, create a snapshot).

Now in Linux as root, create the directory to use for the share. I'm going to call it 'extdrive', so I'll enter mkdir /extdrive. Next edit the file /etc/fstab (filesystem table), adding an entry like this (I'm using my external drive example - substitute your own details for IP address and path: was the Xubuntu VM, and it was attempting to connect through port 1011 which I had not authorised. I added 1011 to the 'TCP port numbers'list in the firewall settings to allow these connections.

If nothing is appearing in the Firewall log, then either it can't see the host at all (in my example - you may need to double-checkthat you have entered the right IP address) or else the NFS server is not authorising the connection. Go back over the NFS Manager settings and makesure that the Linux VM's IP address is correctly specified. It should be entered in /etc/hosts, you should be able to ping it from the Mac'scommand line, and it should be listed in the 'List of computers or computer groups' window in NFS Manager.

Starbase Gunship Mac OS

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